Enterprise Data: Small Drop In Roblox MAU to 200 Million in May 2021

According to RTrack’s MAU analysis for Roblox in May 2021, approximately 202 Million users were active on the platform in the 30 days preceding May 31st.

Estimated through RTrack’s monthly Roblox user account sampling, the MAU figure for May 2021 was estimated to be just over 200 Million, accounting for the 30 days prior to 31st May. 

Compared to RTrack’s April Estimate for MAU, 202 Million, this is a small drop of 2 Million users. A change like this is hard to draw conclusions from due to the small difference, but appears to show Roblox maintaining a similar number of unique monthly active users in early Q2 2021.

Shown below in the interactive graph are RTrack’s MAU estimates going back to December 2019. Unfortunately MAU estimates were paused for 4 months between August and November 2020, and this gap has been filled in with extrapolated data, based on changes in other statistics such as web traffic, platform concurrent user estimates, and playtime estimates.

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What does this mean for Roblox?

Once again, I’ll refer to what I said in February 2021’s MAU report:

[The drop of 7 Million on monthly active users in March] was largely an expected drop, Roblox has mentioned to investors that they expect a drop in users as global lockdowns ease.

Roblox MAU Estimate 192 Million in March 2021, drop of 7 Million on February

In my March opinion article (before the release of the March MAU Estimate), I said this:

While it’s likely that in the short term many users will end up spending less time on the platform than during the pandemic, long term the prospects for Roblox to grow even further than 200 Million monthly active users seem bright.

The next battle for the Roblox Metaverse: A return to normal

In the April MAU report, I said that the gains made in that month could be an early sign of that growth. RTrack’s estimate in May, a drop of 2 million, indicates that there could be a little longer until that happens, if it does. However this drop only constitutes a 1% decline in MAU, a sign that Roblox is weathering the changes well.


Disclaimer: This figure is an estimate, calculated using RTrack’s own proprietary system. It has not been confirmed or verified by Roblox, and is not an official figure. This should only be used as an indication of the general trend of MAU, not as an exact figure, and there is always a risk that this estimate is inaccurate. The only definite values of Roblox monthly active user counts are released by Roblox, on the Roblox blog.

RTrack MAU reports are no longer released on a schedule, and there will always be at least a 1 month delay on the data. Live data on an hour-by-hour basis is available in the Enterprise plan. Find out more.

See more on the new RTrack site: v3.rtrack.live


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