Roblox hit 220 Million Monthly Active Users (est.) in August 2021, more than Warzone & LoL combined – RTrack Enterprise data

For immediate release today: From RTrack’s proprietary Roblox platform monitoring system, known generally as RTrack Enterprise, the platform hit an estimated 220 Million monthly active users in August 2021, this is our first public release of August’s data, aside from RTrack Enterprise users. This is the highest figure yet, and an increase of 3 Million users from the previous month, July, where 217 Million users are estimated to have visited the platform.

While Roblox is a game platform, it’s games are much more alike than most platforms, so it’s not too unfair to compare it with large, viral standalone games. At 220 MAU (Monthly active users) this puts Roblox far above the monthly active user records of GTA V (140M), Hearthstone (100M), Apex Legends (100M), Rocket League (75M) and Warzone (100M).

Shown below in the interactive graph are RTrack’s MAU estimates going back to December 2019. Unfortunately MAU estimates were paused for 4 months between August and November 2020, and this gap has been filled in with extrapolated data, based on changes in other statistics such as web traffic, platform concurrent user estimates, and playtime estimates.

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What does this mean for Roblox?

This follows the trend through July of rapidly increasing MAU in Q3 2021, a sign that Roblox’s unique user base continues to grow. 220 Million represents almost 3% of the world’s population, and near to 10% of global under 15s [1].

Notice to press:

Articles mentioning RTrack’s data, including the “220 Million” figure must include a link directly to this blog post and to the RTrack Enterprise landing page:


Disclaimer: This figure is an estimate, calculated using RTrack’s own proprietary system. It has not been confirmed or verified by Roblox, and is not an official figure. This should only be used as an indication of the general trend of MAU, not as an exact figure, and there is always a risk that this estimate is inaccurate. The only definite values of Roblox monthly active user counts are released by Roblox, on the Roblox blog.

RTrack MAU reports are no longer released on a schedule, and there will always be at least a 1 month delay on the data. Live data on an hour-by-hour basis is available in the Enterprise plan. Find out more.

See more on the new RTrack site:


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